A Good, Clean Scrub is our very own small batch hand and body scrub with an emphasis on using clean, simple ingredients to keep your skin clean and moisturized.
About This Product
As a wood turner I am in a constant struggle to keep my hands healthy while also removing splinters and cleaning glue from my fingertips. I started making my own scrub with three ingredients: organic coconut oil, sugar, and a dash of essential oils. That's it. No filler. No other weird products.
Best Use
Warm hands with warm water and scoop a small amount into the palm of your hands and work it using the same motions you use while washing your hands, but take your time! As the sugar dissolves and removes dead skin cells and dirt, the coconut oil can be worked into your skin for conditioning. Pat your hands dry with a clean towel.
Available in 2 varieties: Peppermint (6oz. clear jar) and Clary Sage & Geranium (4oz. amber jar).
*Do not use if you are allergic to coconut or have sensitivity or allergies to essential oils.
About This Product
As a wood turner I am in a constant struggle to keep my hands healthy while also removing splinters and cleaning glue from my fingertips. I started making my own scrub with three ingredients: organic coconut oil, sugar, and a dash of essential oils. That's it. No filler. No other weird products.
Best Use
Warm hands with warm water and scoop a small amount into the palm of your hands and work it using the same motions you use while washing your hands, but take your time! As the sugar dissolves and removes dead skin cells and dirt, the coconut oil can be worked into your skin for conditioning. Pat your hands dry with a clean towel.
Available in 2 varieties: Peppermint (6oz. clear jar) and Clary Sage & Geranium (4oz. amber jar).
*Do not use if you are allergic to coconut or have sensitivity or allergies to essential oils.