Welcome to our new website. We're still the same folks, but with a new look and our own online shop.
We're also happy to announce we'll be adding new products to our shop, including a series of hand-turned pens and pencils. We've always wanted to incorporate a wood lathe into our studio and it turns out that it's even more fun than we ever expected!

If you've never had a chance to play on a wood lathe, we highly recommend jumping on it. This is my first fat-bottomed birdseye maple pen. Why do I call it fat-bottomed? Partly because of the balloon shape near the tip of the pen, which I find more comfortable for writing; but also because it's a pen fit for a mercury loving queen (I let you figure that one out on your own).
We'll also be adding slimline pens and cigar pens to our shop very soon. In the meantime, there is a block of gorgeous padauk wood calling my name!
- Julia
We're also happy to announce we'll be adding new products to our shop, including a series of hand-turned pens and pencils. We've always wanted to incorporate a wood lathe into our studio and it turns out that it's even more fun than we ever expected!

If you've never had a chance to play on a wood lathe, we highly recommend jumping on it. This is my first fat-bottomed birdseye maple pen. Why do I call it fat-bottomed? Partly because of the balloon shape near the tip of the pen, which I find more comfortable for writing; but also because it's a pen fit for a mercury loving queen (I let you figure that one out on your own).
We'll also be adding slimline pens and cigar pens to our shop very soon. In the meantime, there is a block of gorgeous padauk wood calling my name!
- Julia