Boxwood Burl and A Lot of Curve

Just taking a quick break to share some pics of a gorgeous Blue Boxwood Burl we got over the weekend. I couldn't wait to start turning it and it DOES NOT disappoint! 

I wasn't sure what kind of silhouette to give it, but the intensity of its color reminded of Van Gogh's famous painting, The Starry Night. 

Van Gogh's Starry Night

So there seemed to be only one answer: curves, baby! Curves!

This is the halfway point, where I start getting impatient with all the sanding and polishing headed our way, and I can't wait to see this beautiful creature when all dressed up.

After all, she already has a date! 


Blue Boxwood Burl from Penn State Industries

Mini Carbide Turning Tool (Round) from Rockler

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